A Peek Inside My Healing Chamber

Remote Healing Sessions Demystified

Healing is a dynamic journey that addresses you on all levels, body, mind and spirit.  Every time you heal, the experience is different.  But one thing is for sure:  everyone's healing journeys are unique and powerful!  What they all have in common however, is energetic foundations.

Symptoms of illness or disease arise in the physical body from an imbalance in the energetic foundations of one or more of our other bodies: emotional, mental, energetic or spiritual body. 

For true healing to occur, the energetic foundations of any illness or situation must be addressed. 

Energy medicine addresses the energetic frequencies behind illnesses & situations of all types by

  • dissolving and cleansing the congested energy that is blocking you from moving forward on your healing path
  • adding fresh, divine healing energy in its place to activate your innate ability. 

Energy healing is awakening your innate ability to heal. 

You are the healer, I am simply the guide.

Remote Energy Healing addresses your aura and chakras in such a way that activates your body's innate healing ability, without being in the same room, in the same city or even on the phone!

How My Expert Remote Sessions Work

Think about sending a text, dialing the phone or sending an email.  There is a unique energetic address you connect with to communicate with one single person.  It's the same for remote healing.  Once you ask for a session, the energetic connection is created and I am able to dial into your unique energetic frequency through a remote healing chamber. 

When we text a friend who is far away, we don't even give it a second thought.  We are sure that the text is going right to them, and only them.   We know we are dialing the right person and that the message is delivered instantly.  This happens millions of times per day between people all over the world.  These types of interactions are possible through a unique energetic frequency that you dial to connect with your specific friend. 

This is exactly how I connect with you to set up our divine healing chamber and work with you remotely.  I am able to dial your unique energetic frequency and tune into your aura and chakras and align with them, within a healing chamber, that is a secure line only between us. 

The reason I am able to do this is because I understand how to activate, tap into and recognize energetic frequencies between individual people.  I've trained extensively, practiced, done hundreds (if not thousands) of sessions and I understand that I am a channel for healing...healing energy comes from the divine realms, through me, so I can help you.


Healing comes from the divine realms and healers are people who are able to channel that divine energy and bring it to earth and to those who ask for it.  Healers are conduits for activating this divine energy.  We understand we activate your body's innate ability to heal, which is divine in nature and all because of the divine life force of which you are a part.

A Peek Into My Healing Chamber

When we work together, we'll agree on an appointed time and day. 

  • You do not have to take any time out of your busy day to meet or call me - your higher self is present for the session simply because you've asked for it.  You've set the intention.   Some of my clients prefer to lie down, nap or meditate during our session but it is not necessary for amazing results. 

I'll begin with a ritual and prayer, calling in the divine, and then set up our group energy field that acknowledges The Creator and Source, from which all healing comes.  

  • The group energy field set up uses my intuitive ability and Crystalline Consciousness Techniques whereby I connect to your soul's unique energy (like dialing your phone number) to bring us together into the healing, chamber along with the energy of my divine healing team.

I then call on my healing guides and Team Nannette, to be in charge of the session, to transmute any negative energy and also to surround the chamber in gold and silver light for protection, guidance and healing.

Next, I'll set up your healing intentions that we've discussed prior to our session and then I'll begin working with the pranic healing protocols and I'll also intuit what my team has chosen for you. 

There are specific healing protocols for all conditions and for all situations...we work on everything from headaches, flu, depression, infertility, relationship repair, energetic reset and chakra balancing.  Anything you are experiencing can be the sign that you are ready for a healing journey.

At the end of the session, we give thanks and seal your aura and chakras so that your healing can activate without any new negative energy or psychic intrusions into your system.

This process is one that combines my studies and my intuitive guidance from my team.  It's tested and has been used hundreds of times. 

Total healing is a dynamic journey that we all have the opportunity to take - distance does not matter!

CHAKRA BALANCING:  An excellent place to start and way to maintain your health

(Use Code:  FirstTime at checkout for $10 off this 5 Star Session!)

To experience healing, please explore all my sessions.  I will contact you to discuss your goals and we'll begin with a consult.  You'll also be emailed a multi-page detailed report after each session.

Please ask me about how we can activate healing for you:  dani@chakratopia.com

In gratitude and healing love,






#remotehealing #energyhealing #chakras #aura #health #spiritualawakening #seattle #empower 







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