~Play Time~
You did a lot of soul searching and self-evaluation last week, didn't you dear one?
This week's energy forecast is a kind and gentle reminder from Spirit that you can lean on me ("me" being them + the benevolent universe!)
The Two of Earth is the card helping us process the energy this week...you are never alone!
The energy forecast speaks to the balance of duality of being on Earth as a spirit having a human experience, while at the same time never separate from the Creator and limitless potential.
This week, allow yourself to be human and play! Taste the ice cream, get your feet in the ocean, walk in the forest...do anything that heightens your 5 human senses and reminds you that Earth is a magical playground!
These actions of pure joy will help you feel grounded, at ease and aligned with your life as an extension of the universe, expressing itself, through your energy.
~ Affirmation ~
I breathe in life force, and breathe out love. I am part of all there ever was, is, and will be. Through joyful action, I align with pure love.