Retrograde Redefined!


Mercury is Retrograde July 7- August 2

Retrograde is happening once again it's a powerful time to examine what's working, what's not and where we can enact powerful change.

We can use this regularly scheduled second chance to put these 3 R's into play: 

  • Reevaluate

  • Redo

  • Reconnect 

.Out with the Old

Speaking energetically, the old story or thought process attached to the Retrograde period conjures up a mental list of all the things you CANNOT do because the Retrograde effect will ensure it’s failure. This “moving backwards” has been blamed for the undoing and failure of various projects, contracts, communications and electronic mishaps.
We held the belief that this was a period where we had no control and that we were at the mercy of the planetary energies.

In with the New
Mercury in Retrograde is getting a bad rap! The true meaning and purpose of Retrograde is the opportunity for us to RE-EVALUATE, RE-DO, and RE-CONNECT.
It’s the ultimate second chance and it happens around 3 times per year. What a gift!
The universe is always moving us towards joy. As such, Retrograde is set up so that you may slow your pace and take stock of your body, mind and spirit and up your game in any way that feels right to you.

It’s time to use the Retrograde energy to take a step back, look at things with objectivity and raise the bar. 

Ask yourself

  • what's working? 
  • what's not working? 
  • who and what are adding value to my life? 
  • who are what are depleting my energy? 

The energy of pausing before we act and looking at what we are about to sign, purchase, say, communicate and connect with is an amazing practice and intuitive tool put in place to help us Reevaluate, Redo and Reconnect.  This is what the Retrograde period does for us - it heightens our awareness of ourselves so we can get out of any ruts and connect to things in a way that is divinely guided.

Here's How to Use the 3 R's

  • Find Time to go within and retreat to your sacred, divine space daily. This could consist of 5 minutes a day where you Reconnect by being still and letting the energy flow in and out of you, simply breathing.
  • Stay home on Friday night. By being one with yourself, you will start to naturally Reevaluate the value of the quiet moments and consider that time spent not running from point A to point B as highly productive.
  • Redoing is born out of divine inspiration, not out of old thought patterns of “should” or what worked before...follow your heart's voice, not the outside forces.
  • Things of a creative nature are especially important – pay attention to inspiration to finish projects, start writing a book, try new forms of cooking. Your old ways of accomplishing things is over, the divine inspiration will inspire you to Redo your process to reach a goal. Also, be open to a completely different goal!
  • The Reconnect comes into play by taking this Retrograde period to connect with your Highest Self. Commit to a spiritual practice that dissolves boundaries between you and the invisible world, like yoga, chanting, gazing meditation or anything that fills you fresh energy.
  • Inspire and enlighten yourself by simply pausing before you make your daily to do list and look at each item with fresh may want to Reevaluate what, why or how you do things and set fresh intentions!

Retrograde Specials to help you start fresh and stay supported!

 My Expert 5 Star Chakra Session 

$10 off by using code:  FirstTime at checkout

Retrograde Support Crystal Juju Bag 

On Sale!

In light and gratitude,
dani tworek
Director of Chakratopia Intuitive Services
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